I'm logging without any problem, that is why i firstly answered
everything was OK.
Those messages are not related to new packages, as i have them since
installation. The only new is the one about char-major 145, that seems
to be related to new esd package (see me first post).

dam's a écrit :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Guillaume Rousse) writes:
> > dam's a écrit :
> > > > By the way, why has the pretty cooker-customized gnome logo disappeard
> > > > from recent gdm packages :-) ?
> > >
> > > shhht, don't talk about it! nice to se you've tested it :)
> > > Does gdm work on your system?
> > Sorry, i still have errors message :
> > jui 11 00:01:10 agathe gdm[666]: gdm_auth_user_remove: /home/guillaume
> > is not owned by uid 0.
> > jui 11 00:01:10 agathe gdm[666]: gdm_auth_user_remove: Ignoring
> > suspiciously looking cookie file /home/guillaume/.Xauthority
> > Jul 11 00:01:10 agathe gnome-name-server[777]: input condition is: 0x10,
> > exitingJul 11 00:01:10 agathe modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> > char-major-145
> > Jul 11 00:01:10 agathe modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> > char-major-145
> > jui 11 00:01:11 agathe gdmlogin[855]: Can't open DefaultImage:
> > /usr/share/apps/kdm/pics/users/default.xpm. Suspending face browser!
> > jui 11 00:01:11 agathe gdmlogin[855]: Wrong permissions on
> > /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions//Sawmill. Should be readable/executable for all.
> can you log in despite this error messages?
> --
> dam's

Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

Sleep doesn't exists. Just lack of cafeine.

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