Another (maybe usefull) (restricted access):
If you are an exp. admin you know that users create files
they don't use anymore.
What create unused space.
The solution is to search the files who's are not accessed
a long time and to delete them.

But, as user to prevent this, at the point of user,
create a command in your .profile or .bashrc like:

find $HOME -type f -exec touch {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Run it in the background. So the admin can't find them.

For the admin:
A process more radical is to use the command 'du' on
the dirs of the users.
This display the nbrs of blocs of 512 bytes of every dir and
the admin can calc the utilised diskspace.

Ok, and what if the admin can't convainc the user
to delete his files ? 


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