I'm trying to use CVS ...but it seems that things are not that easy!
I created the following
with at the moment priviledge rwx for everybody
(as 'su', chmod 777 -Rv /home/cvsroot).
The in /etc/bashrc (everyone uses BASH so it's fine), i put the
following :
export CVSROOT

 Doing a ci <filename>
 of a file creates the ",v" version in the directory of the file & not
in the "${CVSROOT}".

 I tried the same with /opt instead of /home but it wasn't succesfull
either ...

 Could someone tell me what's wrong ?


p.s. : 
as cooker is definitively slower than Cooker the message will go twice
thru' , sorry about that !


Thomas SMETS                           Phone : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3          e-mail : tsmets @altern.org
1030 Bruxelles

==== Quote of the day =========
Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real
with the ideal never goes unpunished.
                -- Goethe
 ======= End of Quote =========

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