Perhaps one of your programmers can find the solution to this problem, it's
one i find myself fixing for Newbies, not that I'm much more than a Newbie

The setup programm for Mandrake ( Redhat / Suse / Caldera  are all the same)
assumes that you are setting up on the first bootable drive. 
I fact this is ussually not the case for new users who have Winblows on this
and have made space on their new second HDD for linux, and therefore the Lilo
setup either will not install or installs in the wrong place.  Hence when they
try to reboot linux has disappeared or will only come up if they use a boot
disk. For new users like this repartitioning a segment for the boot sector of
linux on their first drive is a task beyond them and they don't want to
rearrange their Hardware.

I'm suggesting that altering Grub or lilo to actively select the correct drive
to install into (possibly by querying the bios) and either turning off or
telling the installer to turn of the bios virus detector would save many new
users a lot of grief.

BOL :-)         dcd

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