Submitted 21-Jul-00 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Um, should I get the following error message when attempting to install 
> mod_php-4.0.1pl2-2mdk.i586.rpm?
> ---- <snip> ---
> [root@host util]rpm -i mod_php-4.0.1pl2-2mdk.i586.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
>         php = 4.0.1pl2 is needed by mod_php-4.0.1pl2-2mdk
> ---- <end-snip> ---

If you havent installed php4, yes.  mod_php is only the Apache modules
for it, not php itself.

      ( )   *    Anton Graham
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     (m_m)       GPG ID: 18F78541
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