By the way, where do the rpms get posted to onces they are announced on the cooker list... (just so that I don't have to wait for mirrors to sync...???

Goetz Waschk wrote:

On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 04:16:37PM -0400, Patrick Poncet wrote:
> Has anyone tried to upgrade to rep-gtk-*-0.13a and librep-0.12* as well as
> control-center-1.2???
> All the sawfish capplets stoppped working.  generating a process by the name of
> rep (defunc) and getting the sawfish-capplet process in some kind of intense
> CPU eating mode...
I had the same problem until I recompiled the source packages. The
%{_libexec} macro has been redefined in one of the last rpm packages so
sawfish tried to load the in /usr/lib/... when it really was in
   Goetz Waschk <> student of computer science  <> university Rostock for PGP key
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Patrick Poncet
80 Grantham Ave
St. Catharines, ON L2p 3H1
Phone: 905 685-1539 Ext 250
Fax: 905 685-3596

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