I have the 95B and there are no pbs to access whatever in my
2 HD's 
( windooz or linux) with my mandrake 7.0

Stefan Siegel wrote:
> Hello Pixel, hello everybody,
> the famous german comuter magazine "c't" has an article on multi boot
> computers in its new number officially published on monday 2000-07-31.
> They have a special paragraph dedicated to Linux Mandrake 7.1 and its
> incorrect partition labeling. As I have no M$ 9x or NT on my machine
> I can't confirm the content. But I've tried to translate it in english
> to let you have a look into it.
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> |Confused Types
> |
> |By using the extended BIOS functions for harddisk access, Microsoft
> |introduced with Windows 95B a new label for "large" partitions.
> |Partitions to be addressed via LBA are labeld 0x0F whereas 0x05
> |indicates CHS adressing.
> |
> |Unfortunately, noone in Redmond thaught about possible complications
> |occouring in cooperation with other operating systems. For other
> |systems, e.g. OS/2, older versions of linux or even NT those partitions
> |were invisible. In the meantine those OSes have learned their lesson,
> |but a diffret interpretation of the lables leads sometimes to confusion.
> |
> |Linux Mandrake 7.1 for example, will install itself on a extended
> |partition as a second OS on a Windows 9x machine, but uses the wrong
> |partition label 0x05. Linux has no problems with that, it uses LBA to
> |access the partition. Microsoft on the other hand, strictly follows
> |their own rules - with consequences: On partitions labeld 0x05 Windows
> |uses the old BIOS-CHS routines without any tests, even if the partition
> |resides after the 1024 cylinder (8GB) fronier.
> |
> |An extended partition holds logical partitions as a pointered list,
> |each of them pointereing to the next partition. Using correct CHS
> |addressing on the wrong 0x05 label leads to a infinite list of
> |logical partitions. It reaches its end when Windows has no more labels
> |left (normally Z:). As a result Windows can only be restarted in
> |secure mode, but fdisk won't work any more. To thake remedial action,
> |use the linux fdisk to change the partition label from 0x05 to 0x0F.
> |
> +---------------------------------------- from: c't 16/2000 page 96 ----
> the original (german) article can be found here:
>   http://www.student.uni-kl.de/~siegel/misc/partition.jpg
> --
>                                                         _
> Tschüss und bis demnächst/à bientôt,                  _|_|_
>                                                        (")   *
>                                     Stefan             /v\  /
>                                                      /(   )X  Penguin Powered!
> +------------------------------------+----------------(m-m)------------------+
> | Stefan Siegel                      | http://www.student.uni-kl.de/~siegel/ |
> | Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 34 / App. 144 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
> | D-67663 Kaiserslautern             | PGP Public Key:                       |
> | Tel.: +49-631-18269                |   finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
> +------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+

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