> > What does the BM in the changelog of RPM's mean??
> I think is Big Move ... but may also be Big Mess ;-)

I'm sorry, but I disagree with you. Yes, not all packages are "done"
yet. The packages that have been done work fine, and in the mean time
it's a bit dusty (ever seen a clean construction site?). Anyway, this
_could_ quickly change. Take on the challenge and make the list of
"todo" packages shorter...

Applying the macro's isn't that difficult. I do the following (I presume
you have setup your useraccount for building as described in the
Mandrake RPM HOWTO):

1) I install the current src.rpm
rpm -i <package.version.src.rpm>

2) I run my m.sh script on the specfile
m.sh package.spec

The first vi editor that is started shows the proposed "patch" to the
.spec file. I normally leave it the way it is, but make sure the entries
in the %changelog section aren't modified.

The second vi editor brings up the patched .spec file. I then bump up
the mdk number, add a changelog entry (I beleive people at mandrake have
a macro for that, can that be put into the rpm-howto too?) and check the
rest of the .spec file. It should be compliant to what is stated in the

After you exit the second vi editor the package is rebuilt. The output
is saved into package.spec.out (nice for later viewing). After it
finishes building it tails the .out file. If everyhting goes well it
should show an exit 0. You can then answer "y" three times and the .spec
.spec.orig .spec.diff and .src.rpm files are copied to your "output"
directory (better modify the scrip to suit your needs).

This is how I do it. Some packages take little time, others can be very

comments / improvements on this script are welcome (I'm not a scripting
hero). And thanks to Chmouel for his perl script.




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