On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 06:12:09PM -0500, Sergio P.Korlowsky wrote:

> > Ok... read the message, Sergio.  Kurt says that our advisories are
> > significantly improved, which implies we are making them.  You must
> > not be subscribed to security-announce otherwise you would have seen
> > all of these announcements (with the exception of LIDS).  Every other
> > update was announced on security-announce.
> >
> > Before you start ragging on us, you might want to ask the question of
> > where we announce this stuff.  As I said before, cooker is not the
> > appropriate place to post these things.  That's what
> > security-announce is for.
> >
> > To everyone else you is *not* subscribed to security-announce, if you
> > are concerned about security on Mandrake (and you should be), I
> > strongly suggest everyone go to the website and use the webform to
> > subscribe to security-announce and security-discuss.
> >
> Vincent...
> I am certainly concern about mandrake's security being my favorite distro 
> (and main) OS. 
> I used to be a Red Hat user, ever since mandrake showed up version 5.1
> I switched to it, the reasons are abvious... its a better red-hat than redhat.

=)  That's definately good to hear.

> I am subscribed to the security-announce list, and also in the expert-list, 
> I never received a message in those lists, with the exception of the 
> confirmation  msg... and a couple other messages.
> (on the other hand, I receive dupes in cooker)
> I might have double subscription entries in cooker?

Hopefully this will all be straightened out *very* soon.  However, I
would imagine that perhaps you're not subscribed to security-announce
(Denis, can you maybe check?), because I post to security-announce
and I do get the messages.

As an alternative, you can also subscribe to the mailing list I setup
quite a while ago to discuss Mandrake security when others were also
complaining about nothing coming thru security-announce or
security-discuss.  The mailing list is mdk-security and you can
subscribe by email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I cc all messages to security-announce to mdk-security, bugtraq, and
RH's linux-security mailing list.  If you want to see the past
announcements, please visit:


> I stopped receiving messages from the experts-list long time ago... reason 
> not known, I checked with denis and everything seems to be ok...
> went back to the web page and re-subscribed  still nothing in the
> security-announce nor the expert-lists (?)

That is very strange, and I apologize for it (even though I have
nothing to do with it).  I believe that Denis and some others are
looking at ways to completely improve the mailing lists so hopefully
these problems will disappear very soon.

> I receive messages from the hardware list, the cooker-i18 list etc
> but no expert, nor security announcements!

Very strange...

> Is not that I want to start ragging on you ... (not the purpose)
> but I would like to hear from you guys (before the sans newsletter)

I agree completely!  Which is why we need to get this mailing list
thing sorted out.  Do me a favour, Sergio, and subscribe to
mdk-security.  Once security-announce starts to work you might get
duplicate postings, but at least until it *does* work you'll get the

> I also know the problems did not only hit mandrake's, but several other 
> distributions as well, the most severe was conectiva.

Yup... most of the other distros had the same fixes we did.

> Could you please double check with denis why I am not receiving those
> announcements...

I'm cc'ing this to Denis so he can check into this...

> Thanks a lot

You're welcome.  And sorry for coming off on the defensive back
there... =)

> BTW I am subscribed with the email address of: 

Got it.

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