
I read that the kde2 from the cooker was more stable and complete
than the official one.
Uh? I was unable to run konqeror, nor kpanel's applets at all...
This version is worst than the official 1.92 at kde.
At least I was able to run konqeror with the "official" version,
but the applets wont run too though.

I wonder what I did wrong, or what I missed...
I took qt2 from cooker too.

Also, why did you remove kde 1.1.2 from cooker ?
I use kdevelop 1.2 and I know that I can't use any kde 1.1.x apps
 if the 1.1.x ( and development stuff )  libs are not installed

I am scared that kde2 will not be mature enough when they will release it
( soon - sometime in september ?).

And kdevelop 2 will not be ready.

It is not very smart to abandon the really-very-stable-secure kde 1.1.2 for
the next release of Mandrake :(

I hope that everything will be stable for real at that time.

Serge Lussier.

P.S. : At least the clock on the kpanel looks very nice compared to the old
one though. :)

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