Submitted 11-Aug-00 by Guillaume Rousse:
> Just a little esthetic problem :
> At bootup the welcome message about current system (processor + memory)
> is too long for me, and then split the cute advanced ASCII-art penguin
> in half. Actually, some words are cited twice (eg an AMD AMD athlon
> CPU). I imagine this line comes from info gathered in /proc filesystem,
> but which script is responsable for that ?

It is generated by the linux_logo program, called from rc.local.  What's
happening in that particular case is that the chip's Manufacturer ID is 
set to AMD and the chip name is set to AMD Athlon, resulting in the 
double AMD.  I know that it has just recently been updated by the author 
to 3.9b, so you might want to see if the new version still does it.

You may also be able to adjust it by changing the parameters it is called
with.  For example, I get a banner across the top of my screen with the
system information below.  The man page lists 18 command-line options in
addition to the help and version.  The -F option would allow you to
customize the system info format.


Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
"Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense."

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