
I have now uploaded a new version of CUPS. Besides bugfixes in HPGL
printing it contains two handy little C programs which make creating
installation and configuration scripts easier and which help also the
user/administrator who accesses to CUPS via the command line:

  - poll_ppd_base

    This program shows a list of all installed PPD files
    (printer drivers). It shows the file name, the
    manufacturer, the model, and the language in which the
    option names in the files are written. One can choose
    to display all PPD files, only the ones for printers
    of a given manufacturer, or a list of all manufacturers
    for which there are PPD files. Much more sophisticated
    than "lpinfo -m". Enter "poll_ppd_base" at the command
    prompt for more info.

  - lphelp

    This is what the command-line-loving user is missing in
    CUPS, a program which shows which printer-specific
    options (the PPD options which appear under "configure
    printer" in the web interface of CUPS) one can give with
    an "lp", "lpr", or "lpoptions" command. One can give
    both names of installed printers or names of PPD files
    (do not need to belong to an installed printer) as
    argument (enter "lphelp" without arguments at the
    command prompt for help). The latter way of using
    "lphelp" makes it possible to include a preview of the
    adjustable options of a driver/PPD file in a program for
    installing/configuring CUPS. So the user can choose more
    easily when there are two or more drivers for the same

I hope, these tools will make the daily life for Mandraking CUPS users
easier and that they will also help for getting a CUPSy printerdrake.


PS 1: To get the possible printer connection types on the current system
from an installation/configuration script, use "lpinfo -v".

PS 2: The two tools mentioned above, "lpinfo", and "lpoptions" should be
mentioned in the CUPS section of the Mandrake manual.

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