> List-Post: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> List-Owner: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This is intended primarily for Ed Wilts, but may
> be useful for anyone else who is trying to get
> Sympa up and running.
> If you have any other questions, let me know.
> I still haven't touched Sympa itself (the mailing
> list part).  All this was required just to get
> the WWSympa (web interface) working.  I'm playing
> with actual mailing lists today.
> ----
> The steps below are for anyone trying to use the
> sympa-2.7.3-2mdk.  These have already been
> discussed with a couple of the Mandrake
> packagers, and should be fixed the next time the
> package is updated.
> Okay, the sympa-2.7.3-2mdk fixed a lot of the bugs from my earlier report,
> thank you!  Here's what remains.  Step-by-step follows..
> ## 01 ##
> rpm -ev sympa
> ## 02 ##
> # Remove any/all remaining traces of
> # old Sympa RPMs (quite a few, since
> # that first package had a few
> # problems..)
> ## 03 ##
> rpm -ivh sympa-2.7.3-2mdk.i586.rpm
> ## 04 ##
> # Had to do all this to get it to
> # work on a standard install
> # (except the SSL part, but Mandrake
> # can at least correct the path to
> # SSL, it's set for /usr/local.. by
> # default).  The log_socket_type was

oh woops, me forgot to fix that.

> # the key to making it work right.
> pico /etc/sympa.conf
> diff /etc/sympa.conf.dist /etc/sympa.conf
> 26c26
> < log_socket_type       unix
> ---
> > log_socket_type       inet
> 86c86


> < #openssl         /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl
> ---
> > openssl         /usr/bin/openssl

see above.

> Also, do not forget to change all instances
> of my.host and other host/domain names to
> your host/domain name.

will not fix, you would have to change that yourself.

> ## 05 ##
> # This config file isn't copied,
> # can this be fixed please?
> cp /home/sympa/sample/wwsympa.conf /etc
> chmod 644 /etc/wwsympa.conf

next mdk release will have it forgot to do it in 3mdk i think.

> ## 06 ##
> # These need to be set to work on a
> # somewhat standard Mandrake install,
> # without them, I got errors up the
> # rear.
> pico /etc/wwsympa.conf
> diff /home/sympa/sample/wwsympa.conf  wwsympa.conf 
> 3c3
> < use_fast_cgi  1
> ---
> > use_fast_cgi  0


> 22c22
> < # log_facility LOCAL2
> ---
> > log_facility LOCAL1

will not fix, since LOCAL2 is commented out by default and by default if it
cant' find anyting it uses the one from sympa which is LOCAL1. if it doesn't
work that way, let me know.

> ## 07 ##
> # Can this please be added automatically?
> # Even if you leave it commented out, WWSympa
> # doesn't work unless you have this line in
> # your Apache configuration.  Inserting it and
> # leaving it commented out makes LOTS of sense.
> # This *REQUIRES* Apache suexec.
> <VirtualHost lists.mydomain.net> 
>    ServerName      lists.mydomain.net
>    DocumentRoot    /home/sympa
>    User            sympa
>    Group           sympa
>    ScriptAlias     /wws     /home/sympa/bin/wwsympa.fcgi
> < /VirtualHost >

i can add in a file telling them what to do, since removing some particular 
text form a file gonna be quite painful. (%postun)

so unless jmdault wanna include it in apache ..

> ## 08 ##
> # Annoying cleanup, this needs to be fixed.
> # The one graphic gets placed in the wrong
> # directory and the directory's ownership
> # gets changed to sympa.sympa, which is BAD.
> mkdir /home/httpd/icons/sympa
> chown sympa.sympa /home/httpd/icons/sympa
> mv /home/httpd/icons/logo-s.gif /home/httpd/icons/sympa
> chown root.root /home/httpd/icons

fixed i think.

> After all of this, bringing up my web browser and
> hitting http://lists.hostname.com/wws brought me right
> to a WWSympa login screen.

good. :)

me logon todya and do a 4mdk, but me gotta go out now, will do so in a couple
of hours.

test the sympa ML and let me know if there is a bad break in functions.


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