
I've been playing with KDE-1.92 on top of Mandrake-7.1 (not Cooker) and have some
comments/questions which might be bugs.

a) The menu appears to not be integrated with the usual Mandrake menu setup.
b) I can't view my samba/WinNetwork at all.
c) I can't get access to help documentation. Is this because it doesn't exist yet?

There are more but I can't remember them right now. Any ideas?


 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Karl Mitchell=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
|   Dept. of Geomatic Engineering   |    Secretary, ISPRS WG IV/5     |
|     University College London     |   "Extraterrestrial Mapping"    |
|   Gower Street, LONDON WC1E 6BT   |      +44 (0)20 7504-2744        |
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

   "Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but
      that is not the reason we are doing it" -- Richard Feynman

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