>>> The wwsympa component (in cooker only - not in
>>> the regular 7.1 release) in Sympa requires
>>> MHonArc.    This isn't currently bundled with
>>> cooker, and probably should be.  I found it in
>>> rpmfind.net.
>> I grabbed it from Red Hat's contrib directory,
>> ftp.redhat.com/pub/contrib/noarch/noarch/ (if I
>> remember correctly).  Anyone feel like
>> Mandrake-izing this RPM?
> Well, here is a hint for me to do it. :-)

It doesn't have to be you, I know you're not the
Sympa maintainer.  You're just happen to be the
really helpful Sympa package updater. =)

> Well, for now, I have disabled MHonArc from the
> sympa package by commenting it out in the
> configuration file. Before I do anything else,
> I would like to make sure that Sympa is working
> as it should be.

That's understandable and acceptable.  I did
install the Red Hat contrib MHonArc and
uncommented the line.  No errors yet, but then I
don't think I'm up and running yet (see below).

> Don, can you verify that Sympa is working for
> me? Also, has bad problems in WWSympa been
> solved? I would be very interested to know the
> results of your Sympa tests.

Well, WWSympa seems to be working better than the
mailing list itself at this point.  I can't seem
to get any mail to flow anywhere.  I'll be
playing with it more this evening when I get home
and I'll be trying to go to the Sympa guys
directly with my questions, but I may copy cooker
just to see if there's any Mandrakes out there
that have seen the problem(s) before.

I will say though, WWSympa appears to be awesome.
Other than a little mangled English and a few
spots of un-translated French, it rocks.  I've
been able to create a few lists by hand, and then
subscribe people using WWSympa.

I'm currently using a MySQL database for the user
list, and it appears to be working flawlessly.

My own concern right now (with WWSympa and Sympa)
is that the database username and password is
stored in plain text in the /etc/sympa.conf.  I
tried changing the permissions on it, but that
caused WWSympa to complain.  I think that's an
Apache suexec problem (I don't think I have it
running correctly), I'll get back to you on it.
I'll make sure to include some pretty complete

Along with those instructions, I may write up a
README to be included with the Mandrake package
that is a quick step-by-step to creating your
first mailing list to getting WWSympa running, as
well as getting the database and everything set
up.  The Sympa docs are good, but seem to jump
around a lot, and I like a straight-through

That is, when I get it all figured out..

> Still, being that MHonArc would probably be in
> contribs (assuming that I do a Mandrake RPM for
> it) I still cannot unable the MHonArc function
> until it is in main.


Don Head                      [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Linux Mentor, LCP, Network+       [1 314 692-1942]
Wave Technologies, Inc.     [1 800 826-4640 x1942]
[AIM - Don Wave][ICQ - 18804935][Yahoo - Don_Wave]

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