Anton Graham a écrit :
> Okay, so I'm late getting on the KDE2 bandwagon; I like Gnome :p
> At any rate, I have installed the latest kde*-1.9[23]-* packages and tried
> them, though not what you would call extensively.  And I have a couple gripes:
> 1) kcontrol segfaults immediately (1.93-4mdk package), not allowing me to
> modify anything.

I made a couple of days ago an install of 1.92, which let me use
kcontrol one time : 
after a logout/login it crashes. Since then, no package corrected it.

> 2) konqueror.  This looks nice, certainly better than old KFM.  But, it has
> the same (wrong) behavior that Netscape 4.x has with transparent PNG's.  It
> fills the transparent portion with indexed color 0.  Having not tried the
> latest Opera or Netscape 6, I can tell you that the only Linux browsers I
> have seen that handle them correctly are SO and Mozilla.  I doubt it would
> be practical to look for a fix before the final release, as it probably
> isn't considered a real "bug," but it is annoying as many of us try to
> migrate away from GIF's.

Konqueror is not perfect, but it displays java applet correctly when
Netscape just 
use CPU at 100%, and freeze. Current versions of KDE 2 seems to suffer
from bad 
regression bugs (some old snapshots used to work better).
My biggest concern for now is that I can't launch some old KDE 1 apps,
like kwintv, 
which complains of unresolved symbol like _15tiKTopLevelWidget :
kde1-compat packages
are not compatible enough for the moment ...

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