Hi Till,

Ta. This is much more complete than when I last looked. It looks like
getting the Oki4w up-and-running on my system should be possible. I'll try
to provide an RPM if/when I manage it, unless you have plans to integrate it



> Surf to www.linuxprinting.org and consult the database.
> Karl Mitchell wrote:
> >
> > Hi Till,
> >
> > I don't suppose you've managed to get the OkiPage 4W working with CUPS,
> ...

 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Karl Mitchell=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
|   Dept. of Geomatic Engineering   |    Secretary, ISPRS WG IV/5     |
|     University College London     |   "Extraterrestrial Mapping"    |
|   Gower Street, LONDON WC1E 6BT   |      +44 (0)20 7504-2744        |
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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