Sound used to work on my computer (Mandrake 7.1).

After cooker updates it is broken for users and some progs (xmms,
plaympeg for example), but not for root : 

# plaympeg moldau.mp3 

plays a nice music, but

$ plaympeg moldau.mp3 

gives a perm access error.

For xmms, it gives :
        ** WARNING **: oss_open(): Failed to open audio device (/dev/dsp):
Permission non accordée 
(access denied, if you prefer).

I fixed it that way :

- the user used to belong to the audio group, but not after cooker
update : I added it in /etc/group, line audio
- 'ls -l /dev/dsp' showed a strange
        crw-------    1 root     audio     14,   3 aoû 23 04:37 /dev/dsp
I changed it to read : 
        crw-rw----    1 root     audio     14,   3 aoû 23 04:37 /dev/dsp
(audio should be able to do this, right ?)

And now : everything works fine.

(My cooker mirror is up to date, I hope the problem did not arise
because I made a dirty upgrade, with sometimes some --force --nodeps).

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