This is from the usenet group.

It would be nice to be able to choose _both_ ethernet and modem config from
the install menu.


----- Original Message -----
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: PPPD Daemon Dies Unexpectedly

> Just to conclude my part of this thread, I believe that the problem
> arose due to a fault in the installation process. During my first
> installation I configured my PPP connection with the Mandrake
> installation program, the second time I did not. The reason for this is
> that the installation program does not seem to allow you configure your
> PPP connection and your ethernet card. The dialog window gives you a
> choice to configure either and then does not return when you have
> configured one to allow to configure the other one.
> This appears to be the root of the problem, since on my recent
> installation I chose to configure the ethernet card, leading to the
> problem of pppd trying to use the ethernet card as the default gateway.
> In article <8o6717$dvk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > : In article <8o548e$4s0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > : Not really, in my case I believe the fault lies in the installation
> > : process. The first time that I installed Mandrake KPPP worked
> instantly
> > : after simply giving it the correct phone number and DNS addresses,
> and
> > : continued to work without problem. I re-install Mandrake and it
> stops
> >
> > That's good.
> >
> > : working, suggesting to me that there is a fault with the Mandrake
> >
> > What makes you think that all the conditions are the same? Did your
> > change their dns number? Their connection mechanism? Did you install
> > the same packages? Did you overflow the disk. Did you install the same
> > mandrake? The same package versions?
> Just for the record: I have several different ISPs the symptoms were the
> same for each ruling out a problem with the ISP. The Mandrake version
> was the same, though (as I stated earlier) several packages that were
> not relevant or needed were not re-installed.
> > : installation process under certain conditions, whereby it is
> installing
> > : pppd but not correctly setting it up. This seems the most likely
> >
> > There is nothing to set up in pppd. You call it with the appropriate
> > arguments. That's all. Tell me, does your pppd WORK?
> Well obviously there was something to set-up, though maybe not
> explicitly part of pppd, the gateway setting was at least an implicit
> part of the pppd set-up.
> > : explanation when nothing else has changed.
> >
> > Obviously something has changed.
> >
> > You don't have to speculate about what it is, or who is to blame. You
> > jiust have to find it. Start debugging ...
> Personally I like to find the root of the problem (in this case the
> installation program's small flaw), rather than just simply solving the
> problem without looking at the cause.
> > : Furthermore if Linux is to have a hope of becoming a popular
> operating
> > : system (on a par with the likes of Windows 9x) users shouldn't have
> to
> > : refer to HOWTOs to set-up a standard simple connection, only in more
> > : complicated scenarios.
> >
> > This is not a simple standard connection. Do you KNOW what protocol
> > your ISP uses? Why don't you use wvdial?
> Well I would still consider it a simple standard connection, I lot of
> people have ethernet cards to connect to a local network, and modems to
> access the internet via ppp. Mandrake has failed to make [my version of]
> the installation program idiot proof. The latest version may well have
> corrected this relatively minor problem.
> Ross
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

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