Pelon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> With such a base there is no need for an option
> for it in the installer. But it would be very
> convenient to be able to choose the base and X
> Windows, for example. Or base + kernel
> development.

in fact, you can't install the 54MB without cheating. In every case, DrakX
ensure that you have more that this bare minimum, unless you use some tricks
(defcfg, auto_install)

So, in expert, if you choose workstation (was normal), the minimum, you get base +
  MAKEDEV XFree86 XFree86-75dpi-fonts cpio eject file ftp hexedit icewm-light
  kudzu libnet linux_logo linuxconf locales mailx menu mkinitrd mtools
  slocate telnet urpmi

In expert, if you choose development, the minimum, you get base +
  MAKEDEV at cpio eject file ftp gcc gdb glibc glibc-devel hexedit indent kudzu libnet linux_logo locales mailx make mkinitrd ncompress pam perl procinfo
  slocate telnet unzip urpmi zlib

In expert, if you choose server, the minimum, you get base +
  MAKEDEV at fetchmail file ftp glibc hexedit ipchains libnet mailx
  mirrordir mkinitrd mkxauth netkit-base pam portmap pwdb routed rsh rsync samba
  sharutils slocate tcp_wrappers telnet-server urpmi vlock

PS: this result may change
PS2: obtained using
perl -e "print '\<\(', join('\|', @ARGV), '\)\>'" $(rpm -qR basesystem) > /tmp/z
perl -ane 'print "$F[0]\n" if $F[1] >= 90' compssList | grep -v $(cat /tmp/z)
perl -ane 'print "$F[0]\n" if $F[3] >= 90' compssList | grep -v $(cat /tmp/z)
perl -ane 'print "$F[0]\n" if $F[2] >= 90' compssList | grep -v $(cat /tmp/z)

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