The new structure for rsync download from seems to be in
place, and is populated with everything necessary for 7.2beta tree
and cooker tree download.

This new structure will take some time to propagate to the rsync

The 7.2beta tree seems now good enough to be used experimentally for
hd.img installs and will run through the entire install process
except for hanging at the text-mode end because the source partition
remains mounted.

The above applies only to English (GB) and US international keyboard,
Custom, Developer, All packages installs, which is all I have tried.

Despite good installs, neither of the two installs (different
machines) I have done will run, but the fixes are expected to follow
in a day or so.

What follows is my rsync script for downloading the rsync
Mandrake-devel Module binary tree which includes both the 7.2beta
tree and the cooker tree.  It does not download locale stuff other
than en and en_GB, thus saving over 100 megabtyes of download time,
cost, and your hard disk space.   It is easily changed for other
language selections, but there are some subtleties in the script,
mainly due to the inconsistent naming of locale-specific RPMs.  This
has been tested and produces a download to which the installer raises
no objection when doing a 7.2beta install.

To install this script, cd to its directory, then create a file:

touch se_mandrake-devel

kedit it, then copy and paste in the script below.  Set execute
permission with the KDE Properties dialog.

Make sure you have enough disk space (over 2.5 GB) in a partition
other than that which will be installed into and edit its path into
the last line of the script.

Connect to the internet, open a terminal and enter:


Then make the /images/hd.img floppy:

dd if=hd.img of=/dev/fd0

Check that the md5sum of file and floppy (after removing it, running
md5sum /dev/fd0, then reinsert it and run again so that the actual
disk is used, not the floppy cached copy) agree, and do an hd
install.  Good Luck!

echo /local/downloads must be mounted !!
echo for a dry run use n parameter
rsync -rltvP$1 --delete --delete-excluded --stats \
--exclude=SRPMS/ \
--exclude=alpha/ \
--exclude=sparc/ \
--include=cooker/doc/install/uk/ \
--include=cooker/doc/install/uk_cp1251/ \
--exclude=cooker/doc/install/??/ \
--exclude=cooker/doc/install/??_??/ \
--include=aspell-en* \
--exclude=aspell-??-* \
--exclude=aspell-??_??-* \
--include=locales-?.?-* \
--include=locales-en-* \
--exclude=locales* \
--exclude=man-pages-??-* \
--include=howto-html-en-* \
--exclude=howto-html-??-* \
--include=fonts-ttf-decoratives-* \
--include=fonts-ttf-west_european-* \
--exclude=fonts-ttf-* \
--exclude=fonts-type1-* \ \


Ron. [AU]

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