Hello all,

        Two problems - which probably aren't bugs, but a workaround would be

        First problem - after downloading the contents of the directory tree
and attempting to burn a CD-ROM under Windows, when I attmpt to use the
CD the installation program says it isn't a Mandrake CD.  As far as I've
been able to tell, the Adaptec CD creator software doesn't allow all
upper case for file or folder names, so RPMS becomes Rpms.  That seems
to be the only thing I could see that's different.

        So.. I then attempted to install from the files on my Windows
partition, using the HD install image.. gets as far as the partition
table stuff, then bombs saying that it can't unmount /dev/hda5.

        If either one of these changes I'd be able to load the current test

        Any advice would be appreciated.

        Vincent Meyer, MD

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