I tried to install Ulysses.
All right until printer detection.

System detects my printer and stops completely with the message
"Printer HP laserjet 6L detected" 
(or similar, the original message was in Italian).

The only think i was able to do was to restart 
installation (avoiding printer detection).

Before restarting I read messages in other virtual


GTK-Warning **: locale not supported by C library at 
               /usr/bin/perl-install/my-gtk line 149
GTK-Warning **: locale not supported by C library at 
               /usr/bin/perl-install/my-gtk line 36


running: insmod_ -f /tmp/parport_probe.o
running: insmod_ -f /tmp/lp.o
running: rmmod parport_probe


parport_probe: succeded
parport0: Printer, Hewlet-Packard HPlaserjet 6L
lp0: using parport0 (polling)

I hope this can be useful.

I'm not a developer, then i'll remove my name from cooker list
in few days. 
If someone needs some more information can e-mail directly to me.

ciao, Andrea Celli

PS I had some trouble also concerning italian messages.
Language switches from Italian to English and vice versa.
But I thing it's a normal beta problem, almost a feature :-)

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