Anyone seen a new mdk.rpm for these?
Ive been using 'Sound Studio' for years
and mdk rpm is still at the 9.x stage.
'sox'  in Cooker as of 9/12/00 is still 12-16x
in addition.......

>Chris Bagwell says

>Some may have noticed that I finally got around to releasing version
>12.17 of SoX.  Its got lots of new features, including Nick's compander

>The only thing is that its most likely incompatible with the current
>version of Studio becuase of a change in the -V output I made.  The
>problem was actually found on this list a long time ago but I thought
>I'd rebring it to peoples attention.

>The original SoX used a keyword called "style" and "size" to represent
>data types.  For various reasons I've changed "style" to now be

>I think it can manually be fixed by editing the file "" from
>studio.  Look for the function called parse_sox and the line that says:

>   set searchstyle [lsearch $line style]

>Change that to read:

>   set searchstyle [lsearch $line encoding]

>I'll leave it up to the TCL/TK guys for the true fix. :-)


>ps. SoX also moved to sourceforge recently. 

William Bouterse
Talkeetna Ak.

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