I can't play my favorite xmame games without that damn windows keys
opening a flying gnome menu everytime i press it by error. Very often,
actually as fire is CTRL key, and jump is ALT key :-)
Ok, i could change keys assignement in xmame. But as it is something
happening in every windowed application (even here in netscape), and
then hiding part of the underlaying windows as well as stealing focus, i
think something more general should be done. But i'm not sure where :
in windows manager (currently Enlightenment) ?
in graphical environment (currently gnome) ?
in mandrake menu system ?
in X configuration (i think it is too radical) ?

Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

Plus petites unités de mesure 
- de longueur : le millimètre
- de volume : le millilitre
- d'intelligence : le militaire

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