On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, David Faure wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> >----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> >Only poblems are that KDE2 freeze laptop on splash screen in "Loading
> >Desktop" step...needed switch off...;o/
> Huh :(
> Can you send me your ~/.xsession-errors, saved right after this happens ?
> BTW, if it happens, try Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to kill X, or Ctrl+Alt+F1 to
> switch to text console. At least one should work :)

I said freeze because laptop really freeze...;o/ : no works 
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace neither Ctrl+Alt+Fn and no ~/.xsession-errors was 
generated (retried now  and verified that ~/.xsession-errors is not 
generated, and another time needed switch off. Before reboot in linux , to 
avoid e2fsck, I boot in w2k(ntfs) and I look for ~/.xsession-errors in ext2 
partition with Explore2fs : not found, in tested user dir(user not used 
before) there isn't files with recent timestamp).
cu and good work...;o)

Franco Silvestro
c/o CeSIA - Universita' degli Studi di Bologna

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