Guillaume Cottenceau a écrit :
> robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > what are the correct permissions for /dev/dsp?
> >
> > XMMS works fine when I run as root, but when I run XMMS as a user I get an
> > error message about permissions denying access to /dev/dsp
> the user physically logon on the machine should get it for him.

Yes, it should :-)
In my own case, it's pure fantasy.
For the moment i have :
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     audio          11 aoû  8 05:58 /dev/dsp ->
crw-------    1 guillaum audio     14,   3 jui 19 18:48 /dev/dsp0
crw-------    1 guillaum audio     14,  19 jui 19 18:48 /dev/dsp1
crw-------    1 guillaum audio     14,  35 jui 19 18:48 /dev/dsp2
crw-------    1 guillaum audio     14,  51 jui 19 18:48 /dev/dsp3
[guillaume@agathe guillaume]$ ll /dev/mixer*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           13 aoû  8 05:58 /dev/mixer ->
crw-------    1 guillaum audio     14,   0 jui 19 18:48 /dev/mixer0
crw-------    1 guillaum audio     14,  16 jui 19 18:48 /dev/mixer1
crw-------    1 guillaum audio     14,  32 jui 19 18:48 /dev/mixer2
crw-------    1 guillaum audio     14,  48 jui 19 18:48 /dev/mixer3
/dev/mixer and /dev/dsp symlink doesn't have the same group !?  And
what's the use of audio group in this situation ?

Some time owner of the real devices isn't the user, but root (or system,
i can't remember), and audio group doesn't have write perms. So i have
to change them by hand.

I can't trace back such change to a particular config change (mostly due
to my daily frenetic cooker upgrade mania), but if someone could tell me
which scripts are responsible for establishing those perms, i'd like to
have a look. I precise i didn't change my security level, who stays

Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

Plus petites unités de mesure 
- de longueur : le millimètre
- de volume : le millilitre
- d'intelligence : le militaire

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