The machine is a dual-Celleron with a Voodoo3 3000 card.

No machine hangups, crashes or alike. Only a strange "freeze" appears
sometimes in a virtual console. However it vanishes after returning to X
and back.

On 3D. With the exception of the "glitch" on the location of Glide's
headers, everything works great. Even Maverik system does not slow down
as before (before it liked to slideshow in some heavy models). Quake3
works perfectly. Some small programs and demos now work without
segfaults and alikes. 

On 2D - some weirdness on 16 bit depth. A gradient picture looks like if
had "bumps". It seems to trash a few pixels over the screen. But no
serious degradations or display trashing is seen. On 24 bit depth it
works perfectly.

Used several players for mpeg & DivX. Tested with Gigafiles and small
clips. On 1280x1024 - 16 bit depth it's fantastic! Good speed, no
flickering, no picture "shifting". Only a problem, or more, a feature:
"traditional" mpeg files look smoother on NVidia's drivers. On Voodoo,
the "trash" that results from compression, is well visible. However, avi
(mpeg4) files look as good and fast as in TNT2 on Linux/Windows.  On 24
bit depth, playing naturally slows down. However, this slowdown is not
wholescale. A Matrix "demo" of 17Mb on AVI (mpeg4) slows only a bit (but
presenting the Matrix in all its beauty :) ). Some mpg's start showing
flickering. Some avi's (mpeg4) make some serious slowdowns. Other files
work as fast as they did in 16 bit depth, some of them weighing 1Gb. 

Note that I am  not using xmps but aviplay ( for
testing as xmps's plugin does not allow 24 bit depth.

xawtv still has some problems with XVideo. It trashes the display so I
have to turn it off. 


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