Warren Doney wrote:
>  & Could whoever is uploading rpm's that are *already* uploaded please
> stop! :) - new timestamp means we get them again (or I do anyway).....

What are you using to download?  (Yes, I know, Warren)  If you use
rsync or fmirror, both these have a delete option which will delete
any local files that are not on the server.   I did take the trouble
to warn you about this, you know. <G>.

The problem:

Because the name changes from -11mdk to -12mdk, that defines it as a
totally new file, so with the present way Mandrake has things set up
you cannot avoid a full download again whichever downloader you
choose to use.  

There is no Mandrake-naming-convention-aware downloader, and it is
rather too late for Mandrake to change so that the versioning of RPM
files is not carried in the name, but somewhere else that is easily
accessible.  To have that version control appear in directory
listings (essential) would call for a change to Linux itself.

It is interesting to compare the downloaded installer files (there
are 49MB of these, no RPMs) which do not have version numbers in the
file name.  These are being very frequently updated at the moment. 
Using rsync, these are updated when the size or timestamp alters
using a special rsync protocol patch ability which only downloads and
patches in the actual differences - MUCH faster!   Not using rsync
you will always get a full re-download which will silently overwrite
the original.


Ron. [in AU, busy 625-line-PAL-TV-watching the Olympics]

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