Beta2 still has the same problem of creating a bad
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0 during install.  I reported
this for Beta1 and it is exactly the same behavior.

"nslookup" is core dumping on me.  I am pretty sure it worked in Beta1.

I also suggest that when you are putting a beta up, you should setup a
place for listing the bugs that have been found and their status.  This
would fix the problem where the people reporting the problem don't hear
anything after making a report and don't know if the problems are fixed
or not.  It would be a little more work for the developers, but I think
it would make a better product in the long run.  <Pipe Dream>People
could even check to see if their problem is already listed and maybe
there wouldn't be as much duplication.</Pipe Dream>


Randy McCaskill

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