
I just tried a pristine install of the 7.2b2 on my laptop.
It is a 333 Mhz K6 using a S3 Virge MX+MV graphics ship
with 4MB vram.   I installed XFree86-4 since form the release notes
my chip is said to be supported by the s3virge  driver.
A "1024x768 LCD (generic)" screen was chosen as the monitor,
as for 3.3.5.

well, if I try to start X, the system dies _instantly_.
and I mean instantly. the screen goes blank, and that's it.
I tried to do a   startx >& startx.out to see some output,
but startx.out was never created.  It dies from  Level 3 (startx)
or 5.  no messages in /var/log/messages.   no  .xsession-errors.

if i run Xconfigurator, which is a console app non ?  it also dies.
the screen goes blank. and underline cursor links, and that's all she
ctrl-alt-{delete,backspace}  don't work, nor does trying to go
onto a virtual console.  

i chekced out the XF86Config-4 file, and it _seems_ OK  i.e.  the
vertical and horizontal sync rates are what they were for 3.3.5, it
selects the correct driver, the resolution is 1024x768 at the correct
default colour depth (16).

what to do ??  any ideas ?

your help would be much appreciated.

with best regards, marcello pavan

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