Khawar Zia wrote:
> None of my kde apps seem to recognize my printer(its not in the printer list
> when open the print dialog.) Abiword and netscape print perfectly. Btw
> qt-cups is really cool, handy utility.

Two possibilities:

1. Edit /etc/cups/cups.conf and search for a line containing
"/etc/printcap". Remove the "#" in the beginning of it.
Save the file and restart the CUPS daemon entering

   /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups restart

Now the printers should show up in the KDE dialogs.


2. Update your CUPS package to the release 22mdk from the Cooker. There
this change is already done.

> Btw my hp812C works better with the hp880C drivers than with 810C drivers.

We do not have all printer models. The printer database comes from

If you have suggestions for making something better, tell it to Grant
Taylor, the owner of this site.

In general, the best drivers are the GIMP-Print drivers. To configure
them easily on your Mandrake/CUPS system update also

   GhostScript: 25mdk
   CUPS-Drivers: 13mdk


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