Robert L Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1 drive math ability: if i have two hd's in my system i want to be able
> to say
> ignore hda and split hdb @  %50 use upper half for linux root
> (could also be useful for auto install disk)

in natural language? ;p

> 2 a real upgrade ability: if the installer detects a valid filesystem
> and a valid fstab
> it should state " Installed Linux root filesystem detected assume
> upgrade??"

there are a few technical problems for doing this. At least, too late for 7.2
Could be, sure.


> 3 when directly looking at the disk a text file to match rpms with
> programs :
> so i could look at tom2.2.mdk.ix86.rpm and know i need dick* and harry*
> but i also need to not have fred*
> installed (useful when im actually looking at an ftp site)

?? use urpmi!

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