Eugenio Diaz [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes:
> Another thing I would like to see from Mandrake is a 
> "**real** database driven web-based public bugtraking system"
> like bugzilla or Double Chocolate.
> [...] It provided a real way for contributors to contribute 
> resolutions without duplicating efforts; but more (actually
> much much much more) important, it kept a record of
> problem-solution.

I agree (and second) Eugenio's suggestion.  It'd be nice
to actually know that somebody is following up on my
bug report for the Sparc build, instead of just scanning
for a reply and deleting all of the inane chatter that
has nothing to do with the archetecture I'm working on.

And that brings up another point.  How about separating
out the different archetecture's to different lists, so
that we DON'T have to wade through it all.  It'll keep
all of the problem/solutions much cleaner as well.

cooker-sparc, cooker-x86, cooker-mips, cooker-ppc

And if you want to cut down on the number of people joining
just to find but fixes, put the darned archive link up
on the website already.  Then maybe people would look before
they leaped? (in shah allah)

ismi Leif.

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