> Checking sunet.se now. (12:45 Moscow time, Sep.28, 16:45 on my Linux clock,
> for some reson :-) Launch is very close... KDE2 - far away...

> no kdelibs, base, etc. on sunet.se
> onle kdegames-1.94...
> Most files are marked Sep.22 latest...

What's the use of a mirror if the reflection it provides is distorted?

Maybe it's time to dig through the (rather large) list of mirrors and
weed out the ones that are not "up to standard". I use the the
sunsite.uio.no mirror, although this week it's been unreachable. I find
that other mirrors often have issues: 
- file permisions that change (often the exec bit is stripped);
- old;
- incomplete.

For distributing the stable distribution I agree that a large list of
mirrors is needed. The content on these mirrors doesn't change that much
(security updates) and only a large event takes a lot of BW (release of
a new product).

Maybe it's possible to put up some quality criteria to which a mirror
must conform if it wants to carry the cooker distro? A larger list of
primary mirrors might also help.


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