"Edward J. Cooley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thanks for the big bugreport!


> 9.    Xfree 4.0 uses tons of memory and doesn’t have the DGA setup so VMWare
> doesn’t work.

What is your video card?

> 13.   Many packages from 7.1 that I use regularily are not included.  (Could
> be because I didn’t load the extension CD).  Kisocd is the main one that
> comes to mind.

What packages? As for "kisocd", it's on cd #2.

> 14.   Any reason not to put the expert package selection in the installed os
> so it would be easy to change the configuration once installed.  You have
> outdone yourself on this one, it is much better than any software selection
> I have seen.

What do you mean?

Also, you can use rpmdrake once installed ;-).

> 15. Do you have anyone trying the RAID controllers? I have a DPT and AMI
> that I could try, all previous versions of mandrake did not install with
> these controllers as the primary drive (unlike RH which has since 5.0).

Erwan? :-)

> This will be a pretty awesome OS once the kinks are worked out.  Anyway, due
> to the memory and kde crashing problems I switched back to 7.1.

Yep, it's a beta version anyway.

Concerning memory it would certainly not reduce..

> Edward J. Cooley - President

yipiee :-).


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Please can you avoid posting with HTML attachments.

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

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