To clean off .listing files:

    * Change to the appropriate directory in your local mirror
    * Type:   find . -name .listing -exec rm -vf {} \;

If you want the instructions to clean off EMACSish backups as well, extend the
second instruction to say:

    * Type:   find . -name .listing -o -name '*~' -exec rm -vf {} \;

I tried 7.2beta1, found a few hiccups (examples: on most installs, neither
Konqueror nor most of KDE can be configured from the menus; php-mysql was
compiled threaded but apache wasn't; a kitchen-sink install in Expert mode often
had errors in packages but installing the same packages on the same machine from
the same CD in Custom mode didn't), but in general loved it.

At our (PLUG) recent installfest (, an 8yo
visitor found katomic running on a Compaq Armada E500 laptop installed from
7.2beta1 and after about an hour and a half of play while Dad wandered around
looking, did not want ot leave and practically had to be carried away. Was sure
that the simple alcohol problem on the screen would be resolved in ``only a
couple more minutes, Dad!''

People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it is
safer to harrass rich women than motorcycle gangs.

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