> I downloaded the stl headers from rpmfind.net and
> found a problem with it.  The package name is: 
> hacklibstdc++-2.96-0.6mdk.i586.rpm and the problem was
> in the <string> header.  How ever did the
> implementation, went ahead and commented out the
> wstring definition.  If you uncomment that line,
> wstring will work as long as you are not calling
> c_str() on it.  The reason is that c_str() was
> implemented with the following line:
> return "".  This means it will return a single wide
> char when it really shoud return a wchar_t.  However,
> since the template is used for char and wchar_t, a
> problem will be facing you to choose between return ""
> or return L"".
> Two ways to solve this.  One to define an empty string
> inside the implementation file
> (/usr/include/g++-3/std/bastring.h) and it has to be
> defined as char or wchar_t depending on the
> instantiation.  
> The second solution (which I did) is to derive a class
> from basic_string (I called the derived class
> basic_wstring) and all I did is overridden the c_str()
> function in basic_string.  Then, in
> /usr/include/g++-3/string, I modified the typedef
> basic_string <wchar_t> wstring (which was commented
> out) to typedef basic_wstring <wchar_t> wstring. 
> Everything started working out after that.  I wonder
> who will be taking care of this bug and when and where
> would I get the new package?

i'll do, you may look if it was not already reported on the gcc
mailing list since the hacklibstdc++ is a cvs version of the gcc

MandrakeSoft Inc                     http://www.chmouel.org
Paris, France                                     --Chmouel

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