Im trying to install Mandrake 7.2 Beta 3 on an 10gig HD using an ATA-66
Promise Addon Card

And it froze at the detection of the harddisk, after trying to detect an few
controler and my CDROM, it just jam

My configuration is :
2x128mb ram
CDROM 40x Standard
DVD-ROM 6x Standard
Quantum FireBall LM 10.2gig
P3-550E + socket370 board to Slot1

SoundBlaster Live
3dfx Voodoo 3500TV
Matrox Millenium
10/100 Compaq Network Card
Promise ATA-66

My 2 CDROM are connected seraratly on my standat ATA33 controler onboard on
different cable
I got 1 HTP366 Controler onboard that I dont use because It crash Win2k So I
added the promise ata66 that work perfect (except Mandrake).  Here are some
driver on promise page for  redhat installation :
Maybe you could include them in Mandrake.

I use the card in my Linux computer before and it work fine but slow. Ive
flashed the bios, maybe it dont reconise it as an standard IDE controler
PIX4 or something like that..

Contact me if you need more informations

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