It is in the RPM package, update this from Cooker, too.


Kevin Maciunas wrote:
> Dear all,
>     I just tried to shove cups-1.1.3-7mdk.i586.rpm (the one from Cooker)
> into a 7.1 system and got the following:
> [root@kevinsmac software]# rpm -Uhv cups-1.1.3-7mdk.i586.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
>  /usr/sbin/update-alternatives is needed by cups-1.1.3-7mdk
> Which isn't very helpful unless you somehow know where
> "update-alternates" comes from :-)  Can someone enlighten me?
> /Kevin
> --
> Kevin J. Maciunas           Net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Dept. of Computer Science   Ph : +61 8 8303 5845
> University of Adelaide      Fax: +61 8 8303 4366
> Adelaide 5005

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