
I don't know why everyday I'm receiving a lot of email from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED],  could you help me to
avoid receiving this kind of e-mail anymore?.

I'll appreciate your help.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pixel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Franco Silvestro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 4:22 PM
Subject: [Cooker] Re: hd.img 20001003 21:02 upgrade

> Franco Silvestro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
> > What means that on my laptop (512MB ram , 35+25GB udma66....) appears at
> > beginning a dialog with (???):
> > "Your system is low on resource. You may have some problem installing
> > Linux-Mandrake. [...]"    .... I've problems to find a laptop with more
> > resources than this...;o)
> yeah, a silly me, must be getting senile :-/
> >
> > I'don't know if you begin to work on find_root_parts... but now same
> > behaviour of last: installer autochoose root partition to upgrade....
> > this time is ok... I want upgrade first root partitions...;o)
> not yet. will do that tomorrow, promised.
> >
> > Mouse test is smoother than before...;o)
> >
> > "Total size: -86/3688 MB"     (???...what means in 'Choose packages to
> > install' with 131 packages to upgrade...)
> apart from the weird message, it's working?
> [...]
> > Same strange behaviour in 'Install bootloader' ... on old_linux entry
> > (vmlinuz-2.2.17-17mdk) it put initrd-2.4.0-0.18mdk.img and also in other
> > entries ((during editing I note that It seems only in those entries I
try to
> > show/edit during last upgrade...may be a 'none' option for
> > without option to correct/delete it (I don't need it)...I correct
> > lilo.conf and menu.lst after in maintenance...;o/
> will do that tomorrow, promised.

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