Install the smb packages, they only need to be installed, the SMB daemon
does not need to be running because you are only a client in your

Restart the CUPS daemon with

   /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups restart

Now the configuration for the access to an SMB printer should work.

I recommand using KUPS for doing the configuration. To install KUPS
install QTCUPS because it is needed by KUPS.

Take care that you have updated to the newest release of KUPS, older
releases crash when you press any key.

Start KUPS with

   kups &

or choosing Configuration/Printing/KUPS in the menu. In the KUPS window
you click on the "Add printer" icon and get a dialog. Click on "Next"
and choose the SMB printer connection. Enter login and password for the
SMB server or choose "Guest account". On the next screen click on the
"Scan" button to get a list of all SMB servers in your network. Choose
the appropriate one and click on the small "+" at this entry. Then click
on the desired printer and click "Next". On the next screens
choose/enter the usual info (Manufacturer, model, queue name,
description, location). After confirming on the last screen it should be
possible to print on your SMB printer.


SHadowX wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > Oi,
> >
> > Now available on Cooker and in Mandrake 7.2:
> >
> >    CUPS 1.1.3
> >
> > Lot of bugfixes, test it!
> >
> >    Till
> Tried it, butit still can't print to smb printers.
> If anyone knows how to cinfigure mandrake to print on smb printers I would be
> happy to know.
> SHadowX

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