The current at package seems to have a problem.

[root@gamut d]# rpm -Uvv --force at-3.1.7-17mdk.i586.rpm 
D: counting packages to install
D: found 1 packages
D: removing file index for timespec
D: removing file index for atrun.8.bz2
D: removing file index for at
D: removing file index for .SEQ
D: removing file index for spool
D: running postinstall scripts (if any)
+ touch /var/spool/at/.SEQ
+ chmod 600 /var/spool/at/.SEQ
+ chown daemon.daemon /var/spool/at/.SEQ
+ /sbin/chkconfig --add atd
execution of at-3.1.7-17mdk script failed, exit status 1

My system is 100% cooker. All packages are current, allowing for a 2 day
download/install cycle.

- Antony Suter  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  "Examiner"  openpgp:71ADFC87
- "And how do you store the nuclear equivalent of the universal solvent?"

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