On Wed Oct 04, 2000 at 04:56:17PM -0400, Steven Hatfield wrote:

> I don't know if you will like this idea or not, or maybe it is already in 
> place in some form or other that I don't know of, but here it goes:
> I notice that RPM packages change on Cooker all the time, and I never know 
> what is new/changed/deleted/different with that package to the older one. Is 
> there something that exists that has this information, or is it possible that 
> when someone updates a package on the ftp site that they just shoot off an 
> email to the list notifying the subscribers of the new package and what 
> changes have been made and which bugs have been fixed in the new package?

Subscribe to the changelog mailing list...  it details what RPMs are
new and what the last changelog in the spec file is so it will tell
you what is different from the previous version.

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