Now this is almost a wish list as these features appear to be a little 

The trashcan is no more than a folder. If I delete multiple files of the 
same name to the trashcan it asks me if it is ok to overwrite them. It 
should automatically add an extension and put them in the trashcan 
regardless of what is in it already. Also the option of "empty trashcan" 
fails to delete hidden files (with the "." prefix).

I cannot "cut" a file in one window in konqueror and then change windows and 
"paste" it there. It will only work if the first window remains open.

KPackage is still Mr SegFault's best friend  - although it looks very nice.

I still get choppy sound when enabling that aRTS sound server on my machine 
with all the latest packages and kernel (VIA AC97 audio with kernel 
2.2.17-18), but if I disable the sound server sound seems to work ok except 
for the sound of the synthesiser cutting out at the end of each digital 
sound. Also, many programs complain about there being no /dev/dsp device 
still - I guess this is more a sound config problem than a kde one.

Konsole still fails to word wrap properly while typing if it is maximised at 

Most programs never open properly maximised, they fall just short, and they 
have to be maximised each time.

And while this is sounding like a wishlist - What about applying the right 
click option "eject" to devices that are removable since there is now 
software eject for CD ROMs in linux. No docking app to check mail in kde 
like knewmail in kde1? - it doesn't dock any more. Finally, why is the 
desktop so "dead" - can't the cdrom icon appear when a cd is put in and 
disappear again when ejected (yes I know auto insert would happen at a lower 
level than the window manager but I guess it could be optional) like a Mac - 
but please don't make me stick the cdrom icon in the bin - like a mac.

Don't get me wrong. I think kde2 is the bees knees for linux. I just noticed 
a few things still rough around the edges.

Con Kolivas

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