Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Also sprach Guillaume Rousse :
> >
> > Also sprach Dr Michael Powell PhD :
> > > Bye LAMER!! knew you couldn't hang tough...
> > >
> > > mickey
> >
> > We're getting bored now we don't have anymore clown to make us laugh...
> All my excuses to Leon Brooks, this flame wasn't directed at him : i
> thought it was our friend "Dr" ghostdog who was leaving us, after
> insulting everyone one more time.
> --
> Guillaume Rousse
> Murphy's law : If anything can go wrong, it will.
> O'Tool's commentary : Murphy was an optimist.

No way! I'm not leaving that skwar dude said he was unsu+scibing,
complaining about the amount of cooker mail - I'm on cooker, changelog,
and expert and get around 200+ e-mails everyday and the download is less
than a minute. whats the big deal?

Michael Powell

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