Reinhard Katzmann wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 08:10:22AM -0400, Dr Michael Powell PhD wrote:
> > The BEST! tip I have gotten is to set:
> >
> > hdparm -X66 -d1 -u1 -m16 -c3 /dev/hda        [from any terminal]
> A word of warning should be said: Your bios and motherboard must support
> IDE ULTRA DMA/66 for this switches, which only do the quite new boards
> (I shortly tested a new Asus based PC which still used ATA/33). So check
> your motherboard documentation first! -X34 is secure for most boards today.
> Also the kernel must support the DMA features of your board, most certainly
> you need the unified IDE patch (which is included in the cooker kernel I
> supposem but is not adapted any longer to the latest stable kernel prepatches,
> as the author can no longer maintain it).
> > To see the drastic change first do a:
> >
> > hdparm -Tt /dev/hda   then do the above command
> >
> > I forget the website where the tip came from, but this should at least
> > get you checking it out
> > If you have any problems, just re-boot and it will reset the defaults
> > again
> Website:
> Usually this is no problem but it still can lead to severel file system
> corruption, so be sure to test it in single user mode on a test partition
> first (especially with reiserfs which has nearly no recovering tools
> up to now).
> Best regards
> Reinhard Katzmann
> --
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You know, everytime I say anything it causes rebutal. at least when
there has been final releases I ALWAYS go and BUY the retail package.
This is how you support Mandrake not bitching because the beta doesn't
work right


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