Below is copy of email Mr. Dawes was kind enough to send me.

On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 11:26:27AM -0500, I wrote:
>The rumor is that xFree4.0.2 will be released in a few days.  Is that why
>this page

That rumour is incorrect.

>  still contains
>" Our next full 4.0.x release will be 4.0.2, and we are planning to have
>that available sometime in September 2000. "  under the heading  " XFree86
>4.x " ???

That was our plan, but it didn't work out that way.  I've changed that
page to say "sometime in late 2000."

David Dawes                                      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Founder/President, The XFree86 Project, Inc      Phone: +1 510 687 6857                          Fax:   +61 2 9897 3755

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