
It seems you are missing your default config files. re-copy the quake2
baseq2 directory and try again.

--Khawar Zia
----- Original Message -----
From: "Salane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "cooker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 8:33 AM
Subject: [Cooker] Quake 2 in Mandrake 7.2.beta 3

> does anyone have instructions on how to get quake2 working in mandrake
> 7.2b3? I an having trouble getting it to start. i am using instructions
> in linuxquake howto with demo quake
> added packfile  ./baseq2/pak2.pak  (2 files)
> couldn't exec default.cfg
> couldn't exec config.cfg
> Console initialized.
> --------sound initialization --------
> sound sampleing rate: 11025
> -----------------------------
> -------Loading ref_softx.so---------
> recursive shutdown
> Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx

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