root wrote:
> It doesn't matter which mirror you use the .rpm's won't install
> (kpackage was fixed HaHaHa)
> and rpm -Uvh filename.i586.rpm FAILS ALSO, don't try to upgrade to memu
> 2.1.5 as it will completely f*uckup your system. even rpm Uvh --nodeps
> filename.i586.rpm doesn't work most of the time.
> mikey

What are you taling about? I run "rpm -Uvh ..." 20 times a day and it works
every time. I have menu-2.1.5-35mdk installed and it works great.

There would have to be something massively wrong with your system for it do
what your saying it does.

- Antony Suter  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  "Examiner"  openpgp:71ADFC87
- "And how do you store the nuclear equivalent of the universal solvent?"

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